Azerbaijan passed all borders: it now blackmails the Western countries

Azerbaijani media writes that Armenian side has fired on the Azerbaijani positions. According to Azerbaijani Press Agency 147 violations of the ceasefire regime was recorded in April. Azerbaijani announce now about the violations as if by Armenians but they themselves kept the border tensed for some day. As it was announced before three Armenian soldiers have been killed on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border at Tavush region.

On April 24 the enemy shot at the sanitary car at the Eastern side of the border and soldier of the Defense Army Andranik Gevorg Madoyan and Ernest Michael Sargsyan were wounded.

On April 25, Azerbaijanis shot at the Tavush region, Dovegh village. As it was already informed Azerbaijani side shot irregularly towards the noted village. As a result of the violation car “GAZ 53” belonged to the village resident Arsen Mehrabyan was damaged. The car was in the yard of house. Fortunately there are no victims and wounded people. The kindergarten and school of the village have been evacuated. 

According to Azerbaijani media an officer of the Azerbaijani Army was killed by the Armenian fire. 

But Azerbaijan does not satisfied by the violations of ceasefire and killing Armenian soldiers. Azerbaijan feels unpunished itself and started even to blackmail the Western countries.

Azerbaijan may rethink its pro- Western stance and realign with “a new bloc” if it doesn’t get more support, particularly in its conflict with neighboring Armenia, a senior Azerbaijani official said.

The Caspian Sea nation wants Europe and the U.S. to pressure Armenia into pulling out of Azerbaijani districts adjacent to the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region, according to Novruz Mammadov, head of the presidential office’s foreign-relations department. The country has also been invited to join another political alliance, he added, without elaborating”, Bloomberg Businessweek writes about this. Azerbaijan saw that its international crimes are unpunished and thought to try to make pressure even on the West.

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