OSCE representative hopes that Armenian elections will become a model for the whole region

OSCE PA observing mission in Armenia will include more than 70 people. The group will observe the Parliamentarian elections in Armenia on May 6, 2012 and the group will be chaired by Francois Qsaive de Donnea from Belgium. As the press service of OSCE office in Yerevan informs the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office, Ireland‘s Deputy Prime Minister Eamon Gilmore nominated Mr. Donnea as the special coordinator who will lead the OSCE diplomatic mission in Armenia.

De Donnea is Belgian Parliament deputy and the former Mayor of Brussels. He has participated in a range of diplomatic observations and Ukrainian Presidential elections 2012 are among them.

“Armenian geopolitical settlement between the East and the West gives bigger strategic meaning to it from the context of democracy development in the region. The innovation technologies of these electoral process are important developments”, Mr. Donnea noted. “I hope that the our mission will use the whole potential to fulfill the responsibilities which it has and these elections will become a model for the regional elections in future as well”.

The OSCE will evaluate Armenian elections according to the Copenhagen document which was signed by Armenia. De Donnea will give a press-conference on May 7 and during the meeting with the journalists he will deliver an announcement.

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