Armenian and Iranian officials had discussion on various issues of bilateral interest

On May 1-2 the political consultations between Armenian and Iranian Ministries of Foreign Affairs took place. This was the eighth session of the joint consultations, press and information department of Armenian MFA informs.

According to the source the sides discussed a large range of the issues of bilateral interest and referred to the agreements which were got during the seventh session of the consultations. Both sides noted with satisfaction that the cooperation on legal and juridical spheres is developed. The sides also rated the bilateral meetings of the representatives of the services on the Norduz-Meghri border point. The officials expressed readiness to cooperate wider on struggle against the drugs spread in both countries.

On the end of the joint session head of the Armenian MFA consular Hakob Haji-Hakobyan and the leader of the Iranian MFA consular Seyyed Hosein Mir Fakhhar signed the appropriate agreement.

H. Haji-Hakobyan was hosted also by the Iranian deputy MFA on Mejlis and Consular issues Hosein Ghashghavi. The sides agreed to have the next consultation session in Yerevan.

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