B. Sahakyan congratulated F. Hollande

On May 7 President of the Artsakh Republic Bako Sahakyan sent a congratulatory address to the President-elect of the French Republic François Hollande. Central Information Department of Artsakh Republic President Office informs about this. The message especially says:

“Respected Mr. Hollande,

On behalf of the people, authorities of the Artsakh Republic and myself, I cordially congratulate You on being elected the President of the French Republic.

I am confident, that under Your direct rule the fraternal people of France will effectively respond challenges the republic faces and make progress in all spheres of economy.

We rate high the stance of the French Republic as the OSCE Minsk Group co-chair country in the settlement of the Azerbaijani-Karabagh conflict, which has a substantial impact on maintenance and strengthening peace, security and stability in the whole region.

I once again congratulate You and wish successes in the high and responsible office of the country’s President.”

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