CIS next summit will take place in Turkmenistan

Armenian President participated in the informal summit of CIS Heads of State which took place on May 15 in Moscow.

Presidents of ArmeniaRussiaBelarusUkraineKyrgyzstanTurkmenistanTajikistan, and Uzbekistan attended the meeting.

Issues related to participation in the organization of the CIS and EurAsEC free trade zone were on agenda. Russian President Vladimir Putin said the CIS countries are strategic partners ofRussia. “State of the Commonwealth is our closest partners. The relationship with you in all areas for us is vital”, he underlined.

According to the Russian President for the CIS is very important to cooperate on the international stage, socio-economic development, strengthening ties in the humanitarian sphere.

He said that among the CIS countries have close inter-regional and cross-cultural communication. Isolation from each other will not contribute to effective development. Now the general problem facing the CIS countries is the modernization of the economy and the overall activity in addressing new threats and challenges.

President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych offered to postpone for one year presidency of Ukrainein the CIS. According to him,Ukraine has to chair the OSCE in 2013. After that in 2014 Ukraine can fulfill the honorable mission of the CIS leadership.

President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdmuhamedov noted that among the CIS countries has been close co-operation.Turkmenistan appreciates the experience of multilateral mutually beneficial cooperation within the CIS. And it was decided Turkmenistan will chair CIS the next. All participants were invited to the summit, which will be held on November 2 inTurkmenistan.

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