Bashar al-Assad: “Armed opposition groups are filled with criminals and religious extremists”

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad gave an interview recently which is a rare case for him. In this interview he said that his government is fighting foreign-backed terrorists – not democracy activists – as part of his 14-month crackdown against an opposition uprising. 

According to Voice of America the interview was with Russian television. The TV channel suggested Assad has little intention of ending his deadly crackdown on dissent, despite international condemnation and a peace plan that calls for a ceasefire.

Assad insisted he faces little domestic opposition, instead blaming the unrest on foreign mercenaries who want to see him overthrown. He said armed opposition groups, such as the Free Syrian Army, are filled with criminals and religious extremists. 

“It’s not an army, first of all, and it’s not free because they get their arms from different foreign countries. That’s why they’re not free at all,” he said. “They are a bunch of criminals who have been violating the law for years and have been sentenced in various criminal cases. They are religious extremists like those from al-Qaida.” 

Assad also accused U.N. observers inSyriaof unfairly criticizing violence by government forces and ignoring attacks by terrorists. 

Clashes in Syria started on March, 2011 and according to the UN more than 9,000 people have been killed in violence. Rebels claim Bashar al-Assad must resign.

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