First victims of “Eurovision 2012”: two Belgian journalists are beaten in Baku

Two Belgian journalists who arrived in Azerbaijan to make reportages about the “Eurovision 2012” song contest were beaten in Baku. They were correspondents of the Belgian VRT (Vlaamse Radio –en Televisieomroep) TV channel. Armenpress news agency informs about this referring to the Belgian news agencies.

“On May 16 in the evening two Belgian journalists returned to the hotel by taxi and they had an argue with the taxi driver over the fee. The driver beat them and as a result one journalist’s chin was broken. These two journalists left Azerbaijan today in the morning”, Belgian news agencies write.

According to Azerbaijani media the incident took place near the 22nd police department in Baku. The deputy head of the police department confirmed the fact. According to him the Belgian journalists were beaten not by a taxi driver. “The Belgians approached to a passenger and asked him to take somewhere. He refused and after it the Belgians offended him. The passenger hit them and broke the journalist’s chin”, he said and added that the case is already under examination.

Representative of the Belgian delegation to the Eurovision 2012 announced during the press-conference in Baku that the incident took place really but he refused to tell the name of the suffered members. “Yes, two members of our team are wounded. And they have already left for Belgium”, the representative noted.

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