B. Sahakyan: “First Republic left great lessons for the generations to come”

Artsakh Republic President Bako Sahakyan congratulated in connection with the day of the First Armenian Republic, Central Information Department of Arstakh Republic President Office informs about this. B. Sahakyan especially said:

 “Dear compatriots,

I congratulate all of us on the day of the First Armenian Republic, the day that realized the age-old dreams of the Armenian nation and laid the foundation for the today’s independent statehood.

Although the First Republic did not last long it left great lessons for the generations to come. The Artsakh liberation struggle is the heroic continuation of the Sardarapat, Bash-Aparan and Gharakilisa battles, which consolidated the whole Armenian nation and recorded a glorious victory, the victory of united spirit and collective will, the victory of justice and self-confidence. The Armenian people proved that it can protect its fatherland and build a free and independent statehood. Today freedom, independence and democracy are still the greatest values for us constituting integral parts of further strengthening and developing the two Armenian republics.

I congratulate once again all our sisters and brothers in Armenia, Artsakh and the Diaspora on this valuable and memorable holiday and wish peace, robust health and new victories for the glory of the Armenian nation and its radiant future.


May 28, 2012”.

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