Azerbaijan sends the next protest note to Iran: yesterday Azerbaijani Ambassador was recalled from Tehran

On May 30 Azerbaijan has sent the third note to Iran for clarifying the fate of the two young poets Farid Huseyn and Shahriyar Hajizadeh went missing in this country.

As Azerbaijani Press Agency reports spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Elman Abdullayev said that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs submitted note to the Iran’s embassy in Azerbaijan. 

The Ministry’s official noted that Azerbaijan wanted Iran to clarify whether these above-mentioned persons were detained in Iran. 

Elman Abdullayev said that the note must be responded: “In general, this case doesn’t conform to the relevant clauses of 1962 Vienna Convention on Consular Relations and such cases can damage the relations between the two countries.”

Relations between two states are really strained especially for the last time.

On May 30 Azerbaijani Ambassador to Iran Javanshir Akhundov was recalled to Baku. Azerbaijani media inform about this referring to the Azerbaijani embassy in Iran.

The ambassador was recalled for consultations. The topic of the consultations was not reported. 

On May 22 Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs sent a protest note to Azerbaijani Ambassador, Iranian sources informed.

Before Iran recalled its ambassador to Azerbaijan over insults against the Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei during a planned gathering in front of the Iranian embassy in Baku. It was also announced that he is recalled for some consultations.

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