Hovik Abrahamyan is elected as Armenian Parliament speaker

Today the first session of the fifth addition of Armenian newly-elected Parliament took place. Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan and Catholicos of All Armenians Garegin the Second also attended the session.

After the official ceremony the election of the Armenian Parliament speaker took place. Hovik Abrahamyan was the only candidate for the post and he was elected with 102 “for” 4 “against” and 4 “null” votes.

Before it H. Abrahamyan met journalists and had a short conversation with them. As Armenian media inform Abrahamyan felt pity that representatives of opposition parties “Heritage” and “Armenian National Congress” have boycotted the first session of Armenian NA.

”It’s a pity our counterparts from the Armenian National Congress and “Heritage” parties have not come. But I will organize our works in bilateral compromising atmosphere”, he ensured.

Then he answered to some other questions by the journalists as well.

Note that leader of the “Prosperous Armenian” party Gagik Tsarukyan has not attended the first session.

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