Road construction works are on in Artsakh

On 4 June President of Artsakh Republic Bako Sahakyan visited the village Taghavard in the Martouni region and got acquainted with the construction activities of the vegetable oil factory being built there. Central Information Department of the Office of the Artsakh Republic President informs about this.

B. Sahakyan considered important the construction of such a large enterprise, emphasizing its great role in the development of agriculture and processing industry in Artsakh.

Thereupon the President visited the village Khachmach in the Askeran region and got acquainted with the road construction works carried out there. Bako Sahakyan noted that the working style and the technical approaches used in the construction were quite interesting and could also be applied in other communities.

B. Sahakyan was accompanied by the Prime Minister Ara Haroutunyan and other officials.

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