Taron Margaryan met German Ambassador and wished him success in his further career

Mayor of Yerevan Taron Margaryan, on the accomplishment of the diplomatic mission, met the German Ambassador to Armenia Hans Yokhen Shmidt. During the meeting Yerevan Mayor expressing his gratitude for inputting efforts for the development of the Armenian-German relations.

“Armenian-German relations are on the high level and I hope Yerevan City Hall will continue its further effective cooperation with German Embassy in Armenia” according to the report given by public relations department of the City Hall, noted Taron Margaryan, wishing success to the ambassador in his further activities .

Emphasizing the importance of the establishment of bilateral relations with German cities, Taron Margaryan mentioned that during the recent visit of the mayor of Halle Zalle to Yerevan various plans were discussed concerning this issue.

In his turn, on his departure from Armenia the ambassador, sharing his impressions of Yerevan and the city economy infrastructures development, noted that serious activities are carried out to influence the beautiful look of the city as well.

Emphasizing the hardship of changes and city government which is in the phase of development, he wished success to the mayor.
The interlocutors also discussed the City Hall and German international cooperation plan on “Community and Economy Development in Armenia.”

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