S. Sargsyan to the students: “I am ready to go forward with you”

On April 9 Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan met students of Yerevan State University in Tsakhkadzor, press service of Armenian Republican Party informs about this.

S. Sargsyan underlined that the next meeting with the YSU students in term of the pre-electoral propaganda was a good opportunity to discuss with students the image of the Republican Party about the problems which exist in our country, about ways to overcome them and about the future programs of the party.

I wish your offers, aims and approaches to be included in our programs. Today the world is changing so quickly that ideas of young people can lead us forward. Young people are more courageous and they do not have moulds so they are able to give better and useful advices, S. Sargsyan told the students.

One of the students asked a question about the RPA motto for the elections: In which will we believe and what will we change? S. Sargsyan answered: Lets believe in us, lets believe in our friends, lets believe in our families, lets believe in our university, lets believe in our state and in our work. We must not believe in every pre-electoral promise but we must believe in our own strengths.

I do not any case when great affairs are fulfilled without deep belief. Imagine that the soldier goes to the battle and if he does not believe in his victory how will he be able to struggle well? We certainly must be changed in order to be able to walk with the world. But only the wish of the countrys President is not enough for it. Everyone must be a part of the changes and everyone must want to do it as the world changes too fast and we must be ready for it.

First of all you, the young people must be ready as this country belongs to you more that it belongs to me and people of the same age of me. If we are unable to accept the advanced phenomenon we will not achieve anything at all. We can rely on only the quality.

Young people are the moving force of the changes. I am ready to go forward with you, S. Sargsyan answered to the students.  

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