Artsakh MFA calls on all the international organizations to give appropriate answer to Azerbaijan

Armenian Permanent Mission on the UN informs that an announcement was presented to the UN Secretary General Ban ki-Moon and the Security Council member countries. The announcement is about three festivals in May, press and information department of Armenian MFA informs. The announcement especially says:

“Artsakh Republic (Nagorno Karabakh Republic) celebrates at once three festivals on May 9. Artsakh nation celebrates the day of national solidarity and freedom connected with the end of the World War Second with other nations.

Armenians from Artsakh had their significant role in the victory against fascism. Artsakh gave 3 Marshals, 1 Admiral, 24 Generals, 28 USSR heroes and many high level militants during the Great Patriotic War.

Artsakh nation also celebrates anniversary of Shoushi liberation on May 9.

Shushi exists as Armenian cultural center since 18-19th centuries. On the beginning of 20th century the town was destroyed and burnt by Azerbaijan, a state which had just appeared on the world map.

Last families left Shoushi on the end of 1980s as they did not want to share terrible fate of Armenians in Sumgayit who were massacred cruelly.

Shoushi became one of the main targets for Azerbaijani aggression on the beginning of 1990s.

Artsakh capital Stepanakert was bombarded just from Shoushi.

Armenian nation in Artsakh faced danger of demolition. Due to the self-protection Armenian side forced Azerbaijani forces to leave Shoushi on May 9. After it Artsakh population opened corner with the Motherland Armenia and this corner was called as “life way”.

May 9 is also celebrated as Artsakh Defense Army formulation day.

And Azerbaijani troubles and proclaims towards the parade on May 9 is strange. NKR expressed will of self-identification and as an answer Azerbaijan launch huge aggression against Artsakh people. As a result of the aggression some Armenian lands are still occupied by Azerbaijan and it continues provocation on the border with Armenia every day.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Artsakh announces that Azerbaijan is responsible for making military struggle from the Nagorno Karabakh issue and for making obstacle for the issue peace settlement.

Artsakh MFA calls on all the international organizations to give appropriate answer to Azerbaijan which violates norms by the UN and Helsinki act.” 

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