S. Sargsyan: “I have voted for the Armenian progress”

Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan has voted today at Yerevan 9/11 electoral territory, which is at the 24th school after A. Spandaryan. Armenian President went to election accompanied with his wife Rita Sargsyan and with his daughter.

“I have voted for the Armenian progress. And it is clear what I think: I wish today, tomorrow and the next day everything to pass quiet and peacefully and according to the law. I think that it is the main guarantee for the progress”, Armenian President said.

He also thanked the media representatives for giving opportunity to the political forces to present their opinion to the public.

Answering to the question by the foreign media representatives which problems RPA would present when it appeared in the Parliament, Armenian President said: “When we appear in the Parliament then we will tell”.

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