Kofi Annan: violence and clashes in Syria must be ended

Syrian issue remains one of the most important questions for the international society and world media. As chicagotribune.com writes Syria faced pressure from all sides at the United Nations on Thursday as U.N.-Arab League envoy Kofi Annan set a precise deadline for an end to the conflict with clear backing from Russia, China and the rest of the U.N. Security Council.

Speaking by video link from Geneva, Annan told the 193-nation U.N. General Assembly he was urging “the government and the opposition commanders to issue clear instructions so that the message reaches across the country, down to the fighter and soldier at the local level” at 6 a.m. (0400 GMT) on April 12.

“We must silence the tanks, helicopters, mortars, guns and stop all other forms of violence too – sexual abuse, torture, executions, abductions, destruction of homes, forced displacement and other abuses, including on children,” he said.

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad announced also before that the clashes in the country must be stopped and the forces must be withdrawn from the country.

Annan’s precise deadline and the latest council statement on the conflict backed by China and Russia, Syria‘s staunch ally and arms supplier, were the most recent examples of how U.N. pressure on Damascus to halt its yearlong assault is steadily increasing.

Russia and China are two countries which prevented the sanctions by the UN Security Council twice using their right of veto.

Syrian issue also troubles Iran very much.  

Kofi Annan may visit Iran next week.

Annan has already visited Moscow and Beijing to gain the support of Syria’s allies, China and Russia.

Turkey expected Annan, who visited Ankara before within the framework of his duties and met with Turkey’s high-ranking officials, to take part in Syria’s Friends Summit in Istanbul which was not accepted by Annan, IRNA writes.

At the same time it is reported that the Iranian officials have not yet confirmed Annan’s visit to Iran.

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