Armenian MFA: “Azerbaijan tries to use high platforms for anti-Armenian propaganda”

Armenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs released a statement, press and information department of RA MFA informs. The statement especially says:

The statement, made by the President of Azerbaijan on May 4 at the Security Council is based on lies, distortions and groundless speculations. It causes deep regret that such an august platform can be used for such base statements.

Instead of reaffirming his country’s commitment to the peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh issue, the President of Azerbaijan is abusing the authoritative tribune of the UN Security Council in order to repeat the overused theses of anti-Armenian propaganda of Azerbaijan, just only forgetting to recall the Azerbaijani leadership’s famous racist thesis that Azerbaijan’s “main enemies are Armenians of the world”.

During the UN SC briefing on counter-terrorism the President of Azerbaijan is making an unsuccessful attempt to lay its own responsibility of links with terrorist groups on others, being the leader of a country, which actively used thousands of mercenaries closely linked to notorious international terrorist networks in its unleashed war aiming at the annihilation of the people of Nagorno-Karabakh.

It is a peculiar expression of cynicism when vain accusations are voiced against Armenia by the leader of a country, the authorities of which masterminded massacres, ethnic cleansings against the Armenians by medieval methods; a country, where cruel butchers of sleeping people are glorified as national heroes; a country a captive is humiliated in front of cameras and then killed as it is done by well-known terrorist organizations; a country, where centuries-old cultural monuments are barbarously destroyed as it is done by famous terrorists.

The continuous threats to regional peace and security, the bellicose and hatred-disseminating provocative statements of the leadership of Azerbaijan, which are in harsh contrast to the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, are not befitting a UN member state and undermine the authority of the Security Council.

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